Why Choose Nuts 'N More?
Well, for one, our Spreads and PB Powders taste INSANELY good. For two, there's over 15 flavors to choose from, so we're sure you'll find one that's a perfect fit for your taste buds.
Now, let's talk benefits.
Not only does Nuts 'N More have more protein than traditional nut butters, it has complete protein, which most other nut butters lack. That's because ours are fortified with high-quality whey protein, providing your body the necessary amino acids it needs for building and repairing muscle. It also gives you more energy to take on your day, whether that's hitting the gym, early morning yoga, or pushing through a long day of work.
What is complete protein?
A complete protein contains the 9 essential amino acids that our bodies cannot produce on their own. Many foods (including nuts and most nut butters) contain some of these proteins, but lack others. This means that in order to get all of the proteins your body needs, you have to pair it with other foods that fill those gaps. This can take some planning and honestly, is a lot more work than taking a spoon full of delicious Nuts 'N More to the mouth.
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Low Sugar
If you've got a sweet tooth, you've likely felt the pain of having to sacrifice your favorite treats to hit your macros and diet goals. This is exactly the problem our founder, Peter Ferreira, ran into while he was training for fitness competitions... and his parents owned a bakery. Yikes. So, he created a solution.
Say goodbye to cravings, say Hallelujah to Nuts 'N More!
Hazelnut Spreads
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Peanut Butter Spreads:
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More Things to Love
Nuts 'N More is a protein superfood made from only all-natural, high-quality ingredients, with no artificial stuff. Because of the ingredients we use, our spreads also generally contain less fat and calories than our competitors, too! Plus, they have flax for added Omega 3's!