7 Ways Eating Nuts Can Help You Lose Weight
The Spread
March 03, 2022
In some of our previous articles, we have already discussed the many benefits that come from a diet that includes nuts and nut-based products. Besides being great for giving you strength and powering your body, a diet rich in nuts can also help you melt off the excess pounds. Here are 7 ways eating nuts can help you lose weight.
1. It’s easy to count calories
If you are on a strict calorie-counting diet, some meals can make it hard to evaluate exactly how many calories you intake each day. Depending on how food is prepared, the caloric count for your meal can have massive variations. This can give you a false sense of progress, and you may be eating much more than you think. Fortunately, with food like nuts and peanut butter spreads, it’s pretty easy to count your daily intake of calories.
By weighing the nuts you are eating or looking at the nutrition information of the nut spread, you will have accurate info on the number of calories. Knowing exactly how many calories you intake with your food is one of the ways eating nuts can help you lose weight. Now you just need to find the exact caloric amount to reach your goals.
Nuts boost your metabolism and give your body necessary fuel for a workout.
2. They get your body ready for a workout
Working out is generally considered to be a great way to lose weight, but there are some foods that can help give your body the sustenance it needs for prolonged workout sessions. Eating nuts can activate your metabolism, and you will burn more fat throughout the day. To make the most of this benefit, you should really have a dedicated workout plan.
Some of the most dedicated athletes usually invest in a home gym. However, if you are going to be moving any heavy sports equipment, you need to be careful with this task. Workout machines are large and heavy, and you might need the help of professional movers to get your home gym set up just how you want it.
3. Nuts reduce your appetite
Another way that eating nuts can help you lose weight is by reducing your appetite. Eating nuts will make you feel full, and you won’t need to reach for snacks as often. Even when you do need to snack, if you eat nuts or other healthy snacks, you are less likely to binge on unhealthy foods. Being able to resist the temptation of junk food is an important part of losing weight, and nuts can help you achieve that.
Remove junk food from your diet by snacking on nuts.
4. You don’t absorb all of the fat from nuts
You might have heard that there are healthy fats that are okay to consume on a daily basis. This is true for nuts, and although they are rich in fat, you shouldn’t worry about your fat intake from nuts. About one-fifth of the fat from nuts doesn’t get absorbed by your body. Due to the high amount of fiber contained in nuts, they actively help the digestive process. The fat from nuts that isn’t absorbed by your body is simply passed through the digestive tract. Besides leaving you feeling full, the fat from the nuts you eat won’t go directly to your hips.
5. Nuts help reduce the risk of heart disease
Those same healthy fats we just mentioned also work to prevent heart disease. The fiber from nuts will lower your cholesterol levels. This means that your heart will be pumping stronger, allowing you to live an active lifestyle, which naturally lends itself to weight loss. Even if you aren’t directly interested in working out, replacing carbs and saturated fats in your diet with healthy fats from nuts is always a good idea.
6. Nuts give you a good mix of protein, fiber and calories
For anyone who wants to lose weight in a healthy way, simply eating less can come with some unwanted side effects. Unless you carefully manage your diet, your restricted food intake will starve your body. Without the proper nutrients, you will be losing weight, but your body will be struggling to maintain its muscle mass.
When people decide to reduce their caloric intake, they need to be very careful not to reduce the amount of protein they are eating. A low protein diet will end up leaving you constantly feeling weak and tired. What’s worse is that the muscle loss will set back all the progress you made by working out. For anyone who plans to lose weight by eating less, we recommend adding nuts to your diet. Nuts ‘N More protein powders will help your body get the protein and fiber it needs while still allowing you to eat less calories.
Eating nuts can help you maintain a healthy, balanced diet.
7. Nut-based diets give you plenty of tasty options
The best way to permanently lose weight is to develop healthy lifestyle choices and stick to them. It’s true that very strict diets will get you to lose weight, but when the diet is over, most people simply go back to their unhealthy habits. Eating lettuce forever doesn’t really sound appealing, so who could blame them? But going from one extreme to another puts a lot of stress on your body and doesn’t give you the weight loss results you want.
The trick to keeping the weight off for good is to find a diet that is tasty and varied. Eating nuts can help you lose weight by giving you plenty of tasty options to satisfy your cravings in a healthy way. Thankfully, there is a lot of variety in nut-based products, and you can always check out our tasty recipes if you need inspiration.
In conclusion
Now that we’ve given you 7 ways eating nuts can help you lose weight, all you need to do is to come up with a diet plan and replace unhealthy food with nut alternatives. If you pair up dieting with an intense aerobic workout routine, you will be shedding the weight in no time. Remember to set realistic goals and don’t rush your weight loss journey. You should make permanent lifestyle changes instead, and the weight will stay off.